Lulabelle won't shut up, it's really annoying...but if I let her out of my room, she will just walk up and down in the hallway meowing and echoing. I love her, but she's such an attention whore.
Yes, I just called a cat an attention whore.
My hands are especially cold. My hands and feet. I'll touch somebody and they'll cringe and ask why I'm freezing, which sometimes kind of sucks. Except for with Mika. His skin is on the hotter side, so he needs the cold, and I need the heat. It works.
I am so weird. I swear, I'm like an alien or an un-sexy vampire or something. I'm cold as fuck, pale as fuck, I barely ever scar, and the couple times I have, the scars have disappeared within two or so years, insects and spiders don't bite me, I sometimes go momentarily blind, I get sick all the fucking time, and I'm pretty weird looking too. Who knows, maybe I'm not human after all.
I don't understand why bugs don't bite me. They used to, although not as much as they did other people. Not even one mosquito landed on me this summer. I was outside a ton, and I was in North Carolina. It's been like this for a few years. In the past couple years, sure, I've had the occasional mosquito land on my arm, but I still don't get bitten.
I don't get stung, either. I'm not afraid of bees, not at all. Sometimes I'll even let them crawl around on my hand, or I'll pick them up until they can fly away if they're hurt. I just don't get stung. I tried to research it online, but I didn't find much.
Mika is grounded this weekend.
I asked him if they celebrate Valentine's Day in Brazil.
He said they do, but it's on June 12th.
I couldn't get up the nerve to make a segway to related topics.
Ugh. I hate myself.